Internet Artifacts: Modern Fire Explore the fascinating history of the Internet

internet artifact is one of the Neal.Fun projects and is a website that collects internet artifacts.

A 1977 map of ARPNET, a predecessor to the Internet consisting of 111 networked computer terminals, the first spam email sent by Gary Thuerk, a marketing manager at Digital Equipment Corporation, the first written 🙂 smiley face in 1982, and the first MP3 file by Susan Vega. It contains many firsts in the Internet world, including 'Tom's Dinner'.

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As a designer in the IT field, there are a lot of interesting artifacts. First created in December 1990 detailed information about the WWW project, including instructions for setting up hypertext and web servers. Tim Berners-Lee created the first web browser called WorldWideWeb and hosted his first website using a NeXT computer as a server.

The first web photo was of Les Horribles Cernettes, an all-female band formed by Cern employees. It was said to be one of the events that changed the platform from a platform for storing documents to a platform for storing media.

The first online delivery website was PizzaNet, created by Pizza Hut in 1994. It was only available in the Santa Cruz area. We sold large pepperoni and mushroom pizzas. My first Amazon order was for Douglas Hofstadter's 1995 book Fluid Concpets and Creative Analogies. Wainwright, who ordered the book, said he thought it was free, but it was stolen because it was paid for with a credit card.

There are also many other interesting stories, including the first meme, the first emoticon, and the first Wikipedia. Anyone who creates digital products should take a look.

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