Webflow Rebranding: Transformation of Figma’s Opponent

Webflow Webflow has been rebranded.

Webflow is an American company based in San Francisco that provides services for building and hosting websites. Since its launch in 2013, it is an online visual editor optimized for creating websites without code.

This rebranding was also shared along with various changes through the Webflow Conference on the 5th.


👁️ Designer Eye

By deconstructing the W in the service name, it symbolically represents the basic elements of the web: HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This is said to symbolize that anyone can have development superpowers using the Webflow service. The new logo will present a brand identity that can be seen both internally and externally.


The wordmark, which gave the impression of flying leaves, was changed to a solid, geometric sans-serif font. The characteristic of individual letters being connected like a cursive font was lost, and the font was replaced with a narrow font. A new dedicated font called WF Visual Sans is also applied.

The color that used to be purple changed to closer to blue. The use of blue on a black background appears to be the main color scheme. It appears to be a choice to strengthen the impression of a technology company.

In the meantime, Webflow has helped a variety of companies, including freelancers, agencies, and startups, and connected a variety of people, including designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs. Now, they have expressed their ambition to go beyond simply representing their products and company and represent the community.


📕 Editor's Notes

I thought it was unfortunate that there were many technology companies with a similar impression. When I saw the changed logo, Atlassian came to mind. The blue color and geometric shapes seemed to overlap. Although the existing elements did not feel completely organized, it had a uniqueness that could not be found anywhere else. I wonder what it would have been like if Webflow had preserved its identity.

Fortunately, Webflow's competitor is Pigma. I think that if it were a strategy to imprint in memory by revealing a clear difference from figma, which conveys a colorful impression, then this direction could be the right direction. However, the question arises as to what is different from the framer.

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