
We tell stories for better design.

morning news

Insight Notes

Why focus on being controlled?

The world is full of things that cannot be done as you wish. The more complex the problem and the more participants there are, the more difficult it is to achieve the desired results. Chop up the cause

Why create a design system?

Many of you have probably heard, “We’re busy, so let’s take care of the design later.” But usually that later time doesn't come. more for customers

Why design with data?

Data for greater success Everyone tells us to design with data. Wherever you go, have you ever had experience improving design with data?

Make change yours

Knowledge changes faster than I learn. New knowledge emerges that makes existing knowledge meaningless.

the joy of designing

When coaching, I am sometimes asked why I chose design and how I continue to design. I thought about it myself.

source of inspiration

Tokyo, their own good

Cute little spaces As soon as I arrived at the accommodation, I went into a nearby izakaya. The grilled skewers were really delicious. I used to not be able to eat liver.

Bordeaux, the city of time

From Paris we took the train to Bordeaux. To be honest, I didn't even know where Bordeaux was in France. vaguely a city of wine