평화를 위해 작은 힘이라도


러시아가 우크라이나를 침공했고 열세에 불구하고 우크라이나는 조국을 지키고 있습니다. 현대에 일어나리라 생각치도 못한 사건입니다. 더 무서운 것은 침공 당할만 했다는 무시무시한 생각을 하는 사람들도 있다는 것이었습니다. 그 어떠한 형태의 폭력과 전쟁을 반대합니다. 할 수 있는 작은 힘이라도 보탭니다.


  1. By far, the best resource that has been shared with us for discovering “Real ways you can help Ukraine as a foreignerhttps://how-to-help-ukraine-now.super.site/
  2. Ukraine is now accepting cryptocurrency donations: https://twitter.com/Ukraine/status/1497594592438497282?s=20&t=CUHlzBserCK0PmcJOKfBiA
  3. The Return Alive Foundation – fights disinformation and cyber-attacks and focuses on helping Ukrainian soldiers, among other initiatives: https://savelife.in.ua/
  4. A special fundraising account was created by the National Bank of Ukraine specifically to support Ukraine’s Armed Forces – https://bit.ly/3BSQoyv
  5. An animal shelter near Kyiv with a devoted team that won’t abandon the animals they care for and needs financial support, supplies:
  6. The International Rescue Comittee (founded by Albert Einstein) is preparing to rush critical aid to displaced families as Russia invades Ukraine and civilians seek safety. Help them support families affected by the Ukraine crisis. https://www.rescue.org/article/ukraine-russia-crisis-what-happening
  7. Catholic Releif Services: https://support.crs.org/donate/donate-ukraine
  8. An active effort to collect names of designers and design businesses interested in helping displaced Ukrainian colleagues to reach safety and continue to work… https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gbaratta_standwithukraine-designerswanted-designcommunity-activity-6902532323191906304-lMwe

More ways to help: https://uacrisis.org/en/help-ukraine/amp

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