This is a book by Mr. Choi Jeong-ho, who can be considered the originator of modern Korean fonts. Starting with the Dong-A Ilbo font, he participated in the creation of Korean fonts for Morisawa and Shaken in Japan, and the Gothic (Dotum) and Myeongjo (Batang) fonts that we know today were created. The book was published as a collection of six articles serialized in the design magazine <Kkumim> through his relationship with Mr. Ahn Sang-soo.
The way you build your foundation in an environment where there is nothing reminds me of the mobile application design environment I experienced in the past. The story of overcoming difficulties in a time when there was no place to look or learn was a story of passionate courage as a pioneer. This book is one that makes you want to follow in the footsteps of great designers and pursue 'better'.