Korean Font Finder: Sandoll’s ChatGPT Korean Font Finder

Korean Font Finder using Sandoll AI technology has been registered in the GPT Store. GPT Store is a marketplace created by OpenAI where you can use AI tools based on Large Language Model (LLM).

It provides various information about Korean fonts using machine learning and algorithm technology from Sandoll Metalab, a subsidiary of Sandoll that develops various services using IT technology.

© Sandoll

When talking to ChatGPT, upload an image containing the letters you want to find and it will tell you the font name and manufacturer. If you continue to ask follow-up questions, we will recommend which font to use considering the Korean font style, design elements, and field of use.

They announced that they plan to provide more detailed information related to fonts in the future and also support font searches in various languages around the world. Currently, only ChatGPT Plus users, ChatGPT's premium service, can use it.

© Sandoll

When looking for Korean fonts, a service called ‘Fontfont’ created by Sandol Metalab is also useful. You can easily search for Korean fonts without using ChatGPT. Instead of explaining in sentences, you can get an answer right away by uploading an image, URL, or font name. Personally, I find it more convenient to use the text font rather than writing long text messages in ChatGPT.

Sandoll is a Korean font from various companies, including Malgun Gothic, Microsoft's default font 'Malgun Gothic', Apple's default font 'Apple SD Sandol Gothic NEO', Google's default font 'Bon Gothic', and IBM's default font 'IBM Plex'. has been created.

© Sandoll

Recently, we are operating ‘SandolCloud’, a font subscription cloud platform with the goal of evolving into a content creator platform. Various domestic and foreign font companies and independent designers are present, and 14 multilingual characters are supported.

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