Rabbit introduced R1, an AI walkie-talkie running its own Rabbit OS, at CES 2024. We designed the product in collaboration with Teenage Engineering, famous for its beautifully designed recorder TP-7. The first order has already sold out, but it is said that you can receive it between April and May through pre-order.


You can play music, buy groceries, and send messages without using your smartphone.

The intensely colored exterior and gray dot-like graphics are reminiscent of a Tamagotchi. The device features a 2.88-inch touchscreen display, weighs 115 grams, Push-to-Talk buttons, and a scroll wheel.

R1 perceives its surroundings with a camera called the rabbit eye. It can rotate 360 degrees to make business video calls or scan physical objects. It is said that it can find items in the room or recommend dishes that can be made with ingredients in the refrigerator.


You can delete your stored personal information at any time and control what information is handled by the system. You will notice that there is no listening mode active at all times and that microphone recording and camera operation are blocked.

It is said that either SIM or Wifi models can be used. They say the battery lasts about a day. They say they sold 10,000 units of the first batch. It's $199. Delivery will begin in March. It is said to be delivered worldwide in late 2024.


It is not yet clear how hardware can improve the AI user experience. It seems to be a better experience than other experiences that can be achieved with this hardware alone, and I would like to experience for myself what the difference will be like holding another small smartphone.

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