Now, you can directly reserve over 600,000 overseas accommodations on My Real Trip. Unlike when booking accommodations through various platforms, you can use points or coupons provided by My Real Trip. Little by little, the reasons why travelers have to use My Real Trip are increasing.
The home screen has changed significantly. Airline, accommodation, tour tickets, and travel products, which are essential for travel, are greatly emphasized with image cards. Additionally, low-level elements such as rental cars, packages, kids, and discounts are toned down. It's surprising that the various banners come out after scrolling. It is not easy to choose which items to include or subtract from the starting point of exploration, but I thought the structure was intuitive.
A new design language is also being applied. The travel product card has been improved to make navigation easier with larger photos. The various information needed to compare products is also organized according to hierarchy. The card design form with a high curvature that is completely filled with no left and right margins is unique. A new visual language is applied to newly reorganized pages such as Home, Promotion, and My Page.