Humankind is a global creative collective founded by Pablo Stanley. We advocate for a decentralized community that creates stories. Join a bunch of cute monsters or friends, encounter an evil foe, a lost soul in the forest of Tenoch, or investigate the mystery of the Titan Tomb. We are constantly hiring experts for production while telling stories centered on the community. In order for this idea to be produced, we also receive funding to help the artist focus for a year.
There were many Web3.0 websites with a similar feeling expressed in sparkling 3D, but this is an attractive project with a different expression. The print-like illustrations are attractive. It is a project that goes backwards from the existing IP business using stories or characters. I think I could be valued as much as I contributed to the story. I think that if D&D, in which each other rolls dice in a board game to create a story, and the activity of creating a character and applying it to various creations are combined, a fresh story that I have never seen before can be born.