
The role of the designer has changed rapidly as various startups have grown significantly. Advances in technology have made it easier and faster to learn and do things you couldn't before. Designers have also expanded their capabilities to make bigger changes as previously time-consuming and difficult tasks have been gradually systematized. In the current IT scene, product designers and brand designers who can handle all products/brands that play an important role in creating services are mainly needed. It starts here and is divided into the necessary designers according to the nature of the service and the stage of growth. So, from now on, let's organize what design jobs will be this year in 2022.

product designer

Literally design the product. It usually refers to a person who designs digital products. It can be misunderstood as being in charge of only visual design, but product designers are a job group that focuses on how to create desired results using products as well as visual design. As UI/UX combines, as technology develops, it can play a variety of roles, taking on all roles related to the product experience that is actually delivered to users, such as visual design, UX research, UI design, experimental design, and product roadmap.

You are evaluated on the success of the product you are in charge of. Treat product experience as a strategic tool. Discover a problem worth solving, design a product that solves the problem, and iterate until you achieve your goal. That's why you need to master how to use the product to get the results you want. You need to have the necessary knowledge to operate a product, such as how to handle data, how to test hypotheses, and how to design products.

In addition, as the development methodology of quickly exporting and learning from customers has become established, it has become important to be able to execute as many hypotheses as quickly as possible, rather than preparing and launching a perfect plan for a long time. In order to move quickly, one person needs the ability to handle all tasks at a minimum level rather than dividing one task into several people to make it perfect. It's not just about solving functionally demanding areas, it's about doing everything I can to achieve the goals we need to achieve together.

It requires the ability to think product-centrically from a more holistic perspective. Literally designing a product, we need not only usability and aesthetic aspects, but also the ability to set the direction for the product and actually deliver the product to users. In addition to focusing on human psychology and senses using UX and UI technologies, you must also understand the business context to which the product belongs. With this knowledge, you can create success by identifying what future markets have opportunities, defining which customer problems you need to focus on to seize those opportunities, designing products that solve customer problems, and planning how to implement them in practice. because there is

In small organizations, one person is responsible for many things, so most companies are looking for a product designer these days. I sometimes use it similarly to UX Designer, but it depends on the role the company defines. People who are involved in product goals, roadmaps are often referred to as Senior UX Designers. Communication is important because collaboration is essential to improving products with various teams, such as PO (Product Owner), PM (Project Manager), developers, business managers, and sales representatives.



brand designer

Your role is to help ensure that everyone who comes into contact with your service has a consistent brand experience. It deals with the experience at every point of contact between service and customer. It is important for a brand to be remembered in people's minds. It is key to deliver a consistent message so that customers do not confuse the brand, and the brand designer is responsible for this experience. To this end, logical planning and implementation skills are important, and a deep understanding of various communication methods such as visual language and written language is required.

We create a variety of tangible and intangible products that can express the brand well and communicate with customers. First of all, we refine the brand core vision, mission, and core values into a form that can be expressed, and then create and manage brand identity such as logo, brand color, and font that can best represent it. Based on the roots of this identity, we think about how to create a memorable experience that is consistent with the interface between the organization and the customer. Although there are differences in each industry, we mainly create offline spaces, printed materials, advertisements, photo/video content, and websites.

Since it deals with experiences that are difficult to measure, deeper and more persistent visual expression skills and an understanding of formativeness are required. Technically, Adobe's Photoshop, graphic design using illustration, motion design using After Effects, 3D design using Cinema Fordy, Blender, etc., video design capabilities using Premiere, Vegas, etc. are required.



platform designer

I am a designer who mainly creates design systems. Abroad, it is also referred to as Product Designer: Design System. We work primarily with designers and engineers to create standards that apply across the board to create efficient systems with a consistent design language. We work for a platform that allows us to create better designs without limiting our roles.

Visual design competency is required as it is responsible for the impression of the entire product. Designing polished and elegant visual experiences requires a deep understanding of typography, layout, color, and more. To implement this, you need to master GUI authoring tools such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, and Framer. Furthermore, an understanding of interaction design tools such as Protopie and After Effects is also required.

Because you are designing a system that will be used in a variety of environments, you also need knowledge of the platform on which your design will be implemented. You need to know HTML and CSS to understand the web environment, and you need to know more about iOS and Android to understand the mobile environment. You need to understand all the standards and guidelines provided by or associated with each platform, such as web WCAG compatibility, Android's Material Design, or Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, and be able to anticipate the various variables and possibilities. In order to fully deliver the intended experience to your customers, you need to know not only design variables, but also engineering variables.

As the product grows, the system also grows, so it must be operated and developed. You need to be able to determine what, when, and how to apply changes to your system when they happen. To do this, you need to be able to predict which context each element belongs to and how it will affect the whole. In this process, you also need the ability to explain large and complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way for colleagues who do not have a technical understanding.

Finally, you need a mindset that looks at the product as a whole. You must be able to apply and manage user-centered design principles while keeping the brand principles of the service. It is necessary to standardize reused elements to increase efficiency and design scalable structures.



UX Designer (UX/UI Designer)

A UX designer is responsible for the end-to-end experience a user has when using a service or product. Design engaging and convenient experiences for users to get greater satisfaction. From mobile applications to cars, we design a variety of experiences depending on the service platform companies provide to customers. Because we design the customer experience, we need a human understanding and a technical understanding of the platform.

In the past, UX designers were considered to be a role that only drew wireframes, but as interface design hurdles are lowered, they take on all the overall design roles. They usually take on a general role in small businesses and are referred to as UX designers, UI/UX designers. He covers a wide range of roles including UX research, problem definition, information architecture, UI design, interaction design, prototyping, and user testing. As the design team grows in size, members specialize in specific roles.

To design an experience, you must first understand people. It's good to know basic cognitive science, cognitive psychology, and HCI to understand UX, which deals with human thoughts. It is a study that studies the human mind, principles of the brain, and body movements through various disciplines. Although it is impossible to understand everything, it helps to gauge what context humans are in depending on the environment in which services are provided. To deal with human thinking, we need to be able to gather, interpret, and derive the best experience possible to solve the data. To this end, you must also be able to develop UX research skills and insights.

To understand UI that handles human reactions, you must have knowledge of interfaces, interactions, and platforms. The area that still has a big impact is GUI, which is the interface that communicates with visual design. Based on the workflow or prototype derived from the UX stage, a layout is created using visual techniques such as color, typography, and icons, and various visual devices are prepared to induce user actions. Responsible for planning how it works in detail. You should be able to handle multiple visual techniques freely, have a clear understanding of what commonly used components like buttons, text inputs, and radio buttons do, and be able to create new ones if necessary. As the role of designing the actual shape to be used by users, smooth communication with Front-End, iOS, and Android Developers in charge of implementation is required.



UX Researcher

UX researchers investigate and study customers in various ways to discover new opportunities and suggest directions that can be applied to product roadmaps. Define what you need to learn from your customers today and lead projects on how to strategically uncover insights. Share various findings with internal members and present insights that can provide a better customer experience.

We listen to our customers and provide an unbiased view of what users want. Take on a role that leads to product improvements based on what you learn from users. We study customers, including field studies, interviews, journeymaps, ethnography, surveys, usability testing, and log analysis. We also deliver information in a way that various stakeholders can understand.

Quantitative research is a method that can be measured numerically. How many, i.e. how much has been done is measured numerically. Collect and interpret data statistically by conducting studies with large sample sizes. Collect usability metrics such as operation time, error rate, and success rate. Generalizes based on a large number of samples. Gather information through surveys, log data, etc. • Experience with programming languages (eg Python, R, MATLAB, C++, Java, Go) used for data manipulation and computational statistics SQL, Python, R/SAS, Presto, Tableau It deals with data related to statistics, etc. You can judge more objectively what results have come out. Overseas, a job called Quantitative UX Researcher has begun to differentiate.

Qualitative research is a way to find out why the numbers are unknown. Understand why, i.e. why you did what you did. Research that directly observes users, such as user interviews and field studies. It focuses on understanding people's motives, thoughts, and attitudes and uncovering why phenomena occur. Since the human mind cannot be measured only quantitatively, we conduct research to empathize. We conduct user interviews, diary studies, focus group interviews, usability tests, and more, and derive logical results that cannot be known by numbers. Overseas, it has started to differentiate into a job called Qalitative UX Researcher.



UX Writer/Strategist

UX writers are also called Contents Strategists overseas. I take on the role of focusing on the writing used for the product. Write articles for the UI so that people can easily navigate the product and troubleshoot problems. We also create appropriate titles and menu names so that users can intuitively navigate to the desired page or screen. They write error messages, e-mails, and newsletters to soothe unpleasant feelings. Construct a coherent narrative across the product and speak with a coherent voice. It should be able to empathize with users and achieve their goals.

If UI designers design customer experiences using visual elements, UX writers design customer experiences using written language, among others. The mobile UI has evolved a lot to provide a fairly similar experience. Here, one of the elements to give a different experience from other services may be the thoughtful tone of the service. There are more and more cases in which brand experiences are provided in the tone of service rather than using colors or symbols to express branding. As a UX writer, you need basic skills in writing. Not only do you understand grammar and tone, but more than that, you need to have a clear understanding of what nuances your speech will convey.



Wishket This article was written with the support of these days IT.



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