Google announced a major advance in quantum computing technology with the announcement of its latest quantum chip, Willow. Willow overcomes existing limitations through a breakthrough in error correction technology, increasing the possibility of commercializing large-scale quantum computers. Willow can perform tasks that would take 10 to the 25th power of a supercomputer (10 septillion years) in a single step. 5 minutes It showed performance that can handle it in a short time.
Willow introduced a new technology that can exponentially reduce the error rate as the number of qubits increases. By expanding the qubits from 3x3 (17 qubits) to 7x7 (97 qubits), the error rate was reduced by 2.14 times, and the qubit retention time was also increased from the existing 20µs to a maximum of 81µs. This was recorded as the first case in the history of quantum computers where an error rate of 'below the threshold' was achieved.
With this achievement, Google aims to prove that quantum computers can be used to solve practical problems that cannot be solved with classical computers, and aims to implement commercial applications by 2025. This technology is expected to bring about innovative changes in various fields such as AI, new drug development, and battery design.