Sony Leon Pocket 5: A lighter, longer-lasting air conditioner

Sony has launched a wearable air conditioner ‘Leon Pocket 5’. This product actually created the air conditioner that everyone fantasized about in the summer. Hang it discreetly behind your neck and send a cool breeze down your spine. Instead of blowing wind into your face, it cools the inside of your clothes. I think it could have the same effect as the heated chairs at Korean bus stops.

레온 포켓 5 ©Sony
Leon Pocket 5 ©Sony
레온 포켓 5 사용예 ©Sony
Leon Pocket 5 usage example ©Sony

It is a product of Sony Thermo Technology, an affiliate company created through Sony's in-house startup development program. This is already the 5th model since the first product was launched in 2020. I think Sony's approach to relieving life's inconveniences with small machines is unique.

This heater can be used regardless of the season and supports cool and warm modes that can be adjusted in 4 levels. The smart cool/warm switching mode automatically adjusts the temperature to suit the environment. Compared to previous products, heat absorption and cooling performance have been reduced by up to 1.5 times and noise has been reduced up to 80%. Battery life has been improved by up to 1.8 times, providing up to 17 hours of use depending on the level, and up to 8 hours of heating.

셔츠를 위한 에어 플로우 파트 ©Sony
Airflow parts for shirts ©Sony
온열 사용 예 ©Sony
Example of using heat ©Sony
3중 구조 넥 밴드 ©Sony
Triple-layer neckband ©Sony

The Leon Pocket Tag, sold separately, measures ambient temperature and humidity and automatically controls the temperature of the main unit. I think this would be uncomfortable to wear. Two styles of air flow parts are provided to dissipate heat according to the height of the shirt collar. The neck band for hanging around the neck can be adjusted to suit size and angle. It is a solid yet flexible structure with a three-layer structure of flexible tube, wire, and silicone rubber. It weighs about 160g, but it is not connected to the front of the neck, so I am curious as to whether it will be fixed well. It is currently available for purchase on Sony's web store and Amazon, and is priced at approximately 150,000 won.

레온 포켓과 태그 ©Sony
Leon Pocket and Tag ©Sony
태그를 이용한 자동 온도 조절 ©Sony
Automatic temperature control using tags ©Sony

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