Clobanote officially launched: Now focus on meetings, not records

Naver Clobanote has been officially launched. Clova Note is one of the representative services of Clova, an AI project that Naver provides services based on massive data. This is a service that applies AI technologies such as voice recognition, natural language processing, and speaker separation, and was launched in 2020.

In this official launch, Naver's recently announced large-scale AI Hyperclova X technology has been applied, making it convenient to database various voices.


designer's eye

You can record anywhere on mobile and desktop. After you finish recording, enter the voice type and number of attendees, and it will automatically classify who spoke.


You can also bookmark and note down important information while recording. You can display highlights like a highlighter. There is a collection tab containing information marked as important, so you can check bookmarks, highlights, and links in one place.


Summarize long conversations with AI summarization. It divides paragraphs by conversation topic and summarizes important content. It is only available in Korean and can be summarized up to 10 times per month. AI analyzes and informs you of the main topics of conversation and what to do next.


You can use the calendar to check your notes by date. You can create notes in advance and share them.


As much as preparing for the meeting, cleaning up after it was a big task. Since recording itself is difficult, a recorder is always needed. If I'm busy trying to focus on recording or participating in a meeting, I often just quickly judge what I need to do and forget the rest.

I have been using Naver Clova Note well so far, and the functionality has greatly improved. However, it was easy to use with trusted in-house colleagues, but people collaborating outside the company were often wary of ‘recording’ their voices. I hope the usefulness of AI products becomes so widespread that using these tools becomes commonplace.


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