Wearable devices for AI have appeared. Startup Humain has launched AI Pin. Humain was founded in 2018 by Imran Chaudhry, who designed Apple's iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and Bethany Bongiorno, who developed software such as iOS and MacOS. AI PIN is used by attaching it to the chest with a magnet.

The price of the device is $699 (about 920,000 won), and you can use data and calls for a monthly flat fee of $24 (about 30,000 won).


designer's eye

No need to touch the screen. Laser Ink Display displays information by shooting a laser at the palm of your hand or a target object. You can control it by moving your palm and selecting information by pinching your fingers.


Give verbal commands while pressing the device. You can also control the surface of the device with two fingers, like a smartphone or touchpad, by tapping, double tapping, or swiping. When the device is activated, it will flash a light to let you know it is working.


Like AI, it remembers the information learned by the user. Saying 'Catch me up' gives the user a summary of information they may have missed that was important to them. It has a speaker and can be connected to Bluetooth earphones so you can listen to music or make calls. The AI also recommends a playlist that suits the situation.

It is also equipped with a camera similar to the point of view I am looking at. You can take photos or videos and even analyze food through images. Take a photo of your food and it will analyze its calories and components. Various information can be synthesized and organized in a web browser service called .Center.


It seems like he's carrying around a smarter Siri. However, I am still curious about how many new experiences I will be able to experience since I do not use Siri. Sam Altman is planning a GPT-specific device to expand the experience. In order for AI to surpass a critical point in the market, a new service market will need to be created, similar to Apple's growth. Is it time for a new ecosystem other than smartphones to be born? We look forward to a new chapter in experience design.


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