Naver App Renewal: Content, Tools, Shopping Next is short form!

Naver is revamping its app design. Naver announced the new Naver app on its blog on October 30th. We have released a campaign to inform people in detail about how the services they use will change in the future.

With the slogan ‘Really, useful fun.’, we released a campaign website informing about the four biggest changes: Shopping, Home, Content, and Clip.

This is a big change that shows which direction Naver is heading in the future.


👁️ Designer Eye

The circular UI that provided quick access to useful tools such as Lens, Papago, and QR has disappeared and is replaced with four tabs. In the existing three tabs of Shopping/Life, Green Dot, and News/Content, Life and News have been included in the content, and a Clip tab has been added.


The bottom tab for navigation changes to a familiar form used in other apps. The tab icon is expressed as a thin, soft black curve in a gradient illustration style. The background of the tab's top navigation tool area is colored. Shopping and content will maintain their existing color identity. The clip changes to dark mode so you can focus on the video.


home You can view various information in blocks. Content is recommended based on your activity. In your home feed, you'll see smart blocks related to the keywords you're looking for, or My Favorite Themes, which suggest new interests tailored to your tastes. It continues to recommend the content you just viewed or similar content to help you continue exploring the content.


Clip You can watch the short form video. While watching the video, you can purchase or reserve the product you like. You can predict what kind of content you will see through Naver Now's NPOP service, which allows artists to communicate with fans.


shopping You can use various shopping-related services. You can quickly navigate to useful shopping-related tools such as guaranteed arrival, Fashion Town, and grocery shopping. Go directly to the shopping vertical. The recommended area expands to match the products you search for or purchase.


contents You can view powerful content such as news, entertainment, sports, and economy. Topics that people may be interested in, such as health and gaming, have been added. It contains not only news articles but also various information and tools.

The introduction website introduces clips, shopping, home, and content in that order. Considering that they are continuously introducing stories about artists, it is predicted that they are trying to focus on short-form entertainment. It is noticeable that all tab names are translated from English into Korean. I wonder why the home is in the second position.

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