ChatGPT recently made a major update.

Previously, only data registered on the Internet was available until September 2021, but now the web is searched and interpreted in real time. You will be able to have conversations by voice or while looking at the same image.

The latest features are available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users who are paid users of the mobile app.

👁️ Designer Eye

You can have voice conversations in the mobile app. When you speak to the large white circle, it turns into a speech bubble. After some time, a round pillar shaped like a sound wave moves and ChatGPT responds. It gives a different impression from existing AI assistants that were expressed with colorful gradations and movements. The graphic tone and manner are extremely simple and can feel a little cold.


The new voice feature is said to be able to generate audio from text and a few seconds of sampled voice. The voices were created with professional voice actors, and ChatGPT has five voices to choose from. As if you were asking a Naver intellectual, if you share a photo that provides insight into the current situation, they will respond. You can also share and analyze complex graphs.


📕 Editor's Notes

We see the challenge of OpenAI evolving from text-based interactions. The limited scope of web information collection has been expanded, and the types of information that can be entered have increased. It appears to be a strategy to reduce the information gap between machines and people while allowing people to input more information.

However, I am curious what will happen to the issue of ‘source’ in future growth. Until now, technology to control the 'distribution of information' has been important, but as AI shortens many things, distribution itself is expected to lose much of its meaning. As time passes, the value of the 'source', the gem that will be distributed, will become more important, but I am curious about how the ownership of information will be handled. Will the Internet become a public good, just as it did not become a proprietary technology?

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