Deploying Twitter Monetization Features: Many Exclusive Features for Creators

Twitter has rolled out a monetization feature for creators. Users around the world can now earn money from the content they post on Twitter.

Twitter Super Subscribers

Both text and video can be monetized. Allow creators to keep their earnings up to 92% until they earn $50,000. After that it drops to 80%. Over 12 months, creators receive 30% minus iOS and Android commissions on app and 8% on web. At the end of the year, fees on iOS and Android will drop to 15% and Twitter will add fees.

To be monetizable, your Twitter account must be active for at least 3 months, have at least 500 followers and 25 Tweets in 30 days.

Twitter Super Subscribers

designer's eye

It's natural to monetize by limiting product experiences. Recently, a blue badge called Twitter Blue was used to give paying users a variety of additional features, such as edit tweets, reduce ads, and lengthy tweets.

Now add to that and make money. Twitter seemed difficult to choose a way to watch ads like YouTube because the scale of the content itself is small. It is speculated that it will provide a platform experience for posting text, audio, and video content that is only visible to a limited number of people.

Twitter Super Subscribers
Twitter Super Subscribers

Editor's Note

Musk bought Twitter and is in dire financial straits. We challenge various monetization methods to operate the company normally. Fortunately, the features and experiences you add don't unreasonably discriminate against and exploit users. I wonder if Twitter will soon grow into a platform where creators can mainly work, like a newsletter platform called Substack.

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