UX Design Class Update: LV2 Understanding People Completed

We are working hard to create a UX design class. I have finally completed the ‘LV2 Understanding People’ chapter.

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When designing a customer's UX, it is good to be able to look at it in as much detail as possible because customer reactions vary depending on the context. But resources are lacking. It would be nice to be able to investigate and experiment with everything in the world, but it's impossible.

To achieve the desired results within a limited time, you must make the most of what has already been proven. At LV2, you study people for a very long time and learn about human characteristics that have been used and proven in actual work. Starting from the study of people, we learn in easy language how people perceive, judge, and remember information.

There are two LV3 and LV4 left until the next UX class opens. Receive opening notifications now and learn the essence of UX design to make an impact in startups faster than anyone else!

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