Webflow 2022 review: A graphics tool that dreams of becoming the next figma

Webflow Webflow shared a 2022 review. Made with webflow. It is said that more than 3 million websites have been created with Webflow. The website is full of interesting interactions. I often see the website I introduced last year. It is convenient to provide ready-to-copy themes. You can also meet over 875 webflow experts. It looks like it's aiming for the next generation of Figma + WordPress. Both Webflow and Framer are working hard. Will there be another next-gen design tool?

The website design itself is also attractive. The black 2022 number, which has changed the shape of the first screen, catches the eye intensely. A low-saturation iridescent gradient was applied to the background. Separate content with lines. It is attractive that content that is usually neatly organized is overlapped here and there in an atypical way. Medium saturation and lines still seem to be trending. The contrast between the psychedelic display typeface and the solid text is strong. When you hover your mouse over the list area, you can see an approximate impression while looking at the original title, and the interaction is impressive.

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