Human Interface Guidelines: The Essence of Apple Design in Korean

Apple's Human Interface Guidelines have been translated into Korean. This is a web document with beautiful thumbnails and icons.

HIG Korean translation was the first series of the Design Compass blog, and it brought back memories. The Apple Human Interface Guidelines, which were the light and salt when I first studied UI design, are web pages that can be seen as textbooks of digital environment design along with Google's Material Design. It started out as a way to get more people to create apps for their platform.


I've always tried to express 'UX Writing' as 'writing', and I'm glad to find it in the guidelines. It is also impressive that the first item in the document is ‘ease of use’ and that components are expressed as ‘components’.

It contains a wealth of information on how to design software for Apple devices, including iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Rather than guidelines for creating specific UI for individual apps, it is closer to guidelines regarding various UI tools provided by the OS.


The documentation explains concepts with text and images, and also provides helpful development documentation and video guides. It primarily consists of an introduction, best practices, resources, and change history, and the list on the right also shows you which devices this knowledge is available for.

The menu consists of Getting Started, Basics, Patterns, Components, Inputs, and Techniques. It is a bit difficult to understand by what criteria the classes were divided.

  • get started This guide focuses on Apple devices, which is the purpose of the document.
  • The Basics It contains content that can be applied to the entire software, such as app icons, colors, and privacy protection.
  • pattern It was divided into user actions, such as drag and drop, multitasking, and account management.
  • Component It is organized into small components used within the screen.
  • input We've summarized ways to input information with Apple devices, including physical buttons, touch, digital crown, and gestures.
  • technology It contains information related to complex technologies that are difficult to apply, such as augmented reality, CarPlay, and Health Kit.

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