The State of Design 2023: The minds of designers organized by Figma

Figma, a tool used by anyone who creates digital products, has organized the thoughts of designers in 2023. As we go through a period of upheaval in 2023, not only designers, but also the way we work with colleagues in companies has changed significantly. As the way we work changed after the pandemic, Figma, a design tool with strengths in online collaboration, grew rapidly. And as we face an economic downturn, remote work is also changing.

Figma questioned 470 designers from Europe, Asia and Southeast Asia. Have you been able to create better designs? Has it gotten better at designing? Are you happier than before? What were designers around the world thinking?

designer's eye

The environment for rapid online collaboration has also had a significant impact on the way designers design. Collaboration that is not tied to space paradoxically creates closer collaboration. An environment where anyone can access design at any time has made it possible for anyone to exchange opinions.

51%'s designers are happier than before, and 69%'s designers are doing better with their designs than before the pandemic. We thought Designer's 62% was a better tool and improved our digital product development workflow.

95% of respondents partially work from home. The majority work remotely more hours than ever before. The use of video conferencing, digital whiteboards, and collaborative design tools has also increased. 75%'s designers work remotely, with European countries such as the UK and France having high remoteness rates. In Southeast Asia, it can reach as high as 82%. India and Japan have low stay-at-home rates.

Design focuses on designing products that, over time, achieve common goals and help business success. The design team continues to collaborate with external teams, and 53% responded that they design together through group meetings. Although they can choose where they work more than before, they also said they miss the chance conversations and unexpected insights that come from the office.

Online tools have developed to allow us to communicate more frequently and deeply as we cannot meet in the office. Although it can save significant costs just by getting people moving and just being present, it is not easy to strengthen bonds and a sense of belonging. How will the way designers work change in the future? Or, what form will an organization that develops digital products evolve into?

If you are curious about more details, please receive the report through Figma’s official blog.

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